
ep1000 ep1000

Time Task

10 min
Install git/Github Desktop
20 min
Watch one Youtube video on “git for beginners”
20 min
Work through one online tutorial on git
40 min
Convert your blog site to use git
Write-up the process of converting and implementing a version control system on your blog
40 min
Demonstrate how you would recover an error using git Use your blog as the example, and show how you would recover a deleted paragraph. document it in your blog.
Here is a quick guide on how to do the last part: Familiarize yourself with git/Github Desktop (remember you can create new repositories on Github and remove them when you are finishted)
Write a paragraph of text, save your work on the remote repo (remember to put a meaningful comment)
Delete the paragraph and replace it with another paragraph, or make stupid changes to the paragraph. Push the changes to the repository. Examine the repository and extract/recover the lost data.
Remember to document as you go and clean up your documentation after you have done it.